Why are yall comparing Obama to Palin...one's running for Prez the other for VP. Thats why Obama's going to win, Biden is going to destory her @ Washington U. and everybody that was voting Republican just for her will change their minds
What is up w/ Republicans?
I've been saying that for a long time
After Biden embarrasses her the excitement will be over
What is up w/ Republicans?
We're not the ones doing it, Obama's campaign is. Maybe you haven't been watching the commercials.
I'm hoping the debates prove that Palin's an idiot, while McCain's mudslinging as as much support has a building made entirely of jello.
Press the politics%26amp;government button and count how many questions bashing Sarah yu can find. There are like at least 5 on the main page at all times.
About 10 points over Obama.
You ever see Sarah Palin debate?
This week on CsPAN they ran a video of her debate against the incumbant governor of Alaska .
She can hold her own.
1st of all, it's the Democrats that are treating Palin like she is the one running for President. 2nd, you better hope Joe Biden shows up at the debate sober or he won't even get a coherent word out of his mouth.
Biden won't be able to pick up the pieces of Humpty Obama after McCain gets through with him. McCain was debating on the Senate floor when Obama was still attending a Muslim elementary school in Indonesia
Because it pisses the libs off.
I don't know, all will be solved in November.
Vote Obama/Biden '08
I'm Barack Obama and I approved this answer.
if Obama wins, we are all in trouble, McCain was smart to bring Palin in to this election. she has a lot of compassion %26amp; smarts and that is what this country needs along with McCain and his knowledge and experience. The reason people are comparing Obama and Palin is because they both have little experience. but I trust McCain's Judgement over Obama's any day of the week.
Dems' worst fear is that McCain/Palin will win the election, then McCain will kick the bucket and leave Palin as the head executive of the US.
And this is a significant fear because Palin is notably intolerant (she has voted against providing benefits, spousal or otherwise, to same-sex couples; she is pro-life even in cases of incest/rape; she wants to teach creationism [alongside evolution... but nonetheless... creationism] in schools; she does not believe global warming is man-made; she wants to use taxpayers' money to shoot wolves from helicopters; etc) and inexperienced. She has only been the governor of Alaska for about as long as Obama has been campaigning for president, and prior to that she was the mayor of Wasilla, a SMALL town (~8000).
I'm not saying she has no good qualities. She is definitely gutsy and a strong leader... but she does not have the qualities I would look for when making a choice regarding who to put in a position of power. I would not want Ms. Palin anywhere near the presidency.
I dont believe i par take in destroying her. I poliiticly dont like her views and the conservetive republicans want that type of control , if they palin mccain take office. u see we stil hav the right to voice our opions they havent mentioned taking that amendment away yet
You see, Democrats and Republicans are the same. The only difference is who they want to bomb tomorrow.
Who is Biden? Is he the guy that admitted he might have been the wrong choice for V.P.? The reason Palin is being compared to Obama is because the Republican V.P. is more qualified than the Democratic nominee.
I assume you are new to politics. As an old timer may I offer some advice? You need to step back and clear you head a bit and look rationally at events as they really are, not as you want them to be. For The better part of 19 months Obama has been ahead in this race. No one ever actually believed he was the most qualified or experienced Democrat but he won the nomination anyway. The reason was primarily because people liked the guy. He just seemed very likable and people projected their own ideal onto him. His campaign has been cleverly ambiguous to allow his supporters to project onto him what they wanted to see.
It was very clever and worked extremely well until we heard from his Pastor. Then we met his friends. Then we heard his wife. Once a more definitive image of Obama came into view, his popularity began to weaken. This was to be expected and was well within limits.
The first real blow came when events in Iraq began to take a definite turn for the better. Having gained a lot of Liberal support for his anti-surge stance he clung to that position much too long. Finally he had to admit the surge worked and then made his first serious gaff. He said that it worked better than anyone thought that it would. This immediately brought attention to the fact that McCain was way out in front about it and was calling for the troop escalation at least a year before Bush finally relented and authorized the surge. Result? The first truly important decision of Obama's career as a Senator and he got it exactly wrong and McCain got it exactly right. What would Iraq look like if we simply pulled the troops our like Obama wanted?
His next major gaff was selecting Joe Biden as Vice-President instead of Hillary Clinton. Even the most virulent Obama die-hard must see that this would have immunized him against Palin.
His latest gaff was to go after Palin personally, at first through surrogates and eventually he himself. He even sent an small army of investigators to Alaska to muck up as much dirt to use to attack her. Here, you are correct, she is only a VP candidate. It was a major mistake to focus so much attention on her. Obama should have completely dismissed her and simply keep his focus on McCain.
But criticism of Palin as being too inexperienced only makes people wonder how much experience Obama has. But that is only part of the problem. The real mistake was the %26quot;lipstick%26quot; gaff. First he said it, then he tried to convince women who took offense that it was inadvertent. Well, all that did was first, make him look petty, second anger a lot of women who have heard such disparaging remarks at work themselves and thirdly he then insulted their intelligence by pretending that they were reading too much into it.
This last straw was the fatal. Why? As I said at the beginning of this, people supported him because they liked him. Now that he has been looking so petty and snooty, they don't like him so much. That was all he had going for him in the first place.
Now even Democrat members of Congress are starting to run away from Obama out of fear that he will drag them down with him.
I agree with everything you said.
As far as the obsession with Palin... unfortunately, with McCain's poor health, it's most certainly a possibility that she would become President. So I do think they need to take a good hard look at how inexperienced and uninformed she really is.
When she doesn't have a script to follow, she falls on her face. Biden will eat her alive and Republicans will see just how little she understands about the world.
Sorry,Obummer is a losing choice...