Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How you view respect?

This is how I view respect:

The whole “get respect to give respect” rule does not work. If everyone only gave respect once they got respect, we would be nowhere and there would be no respect in this world. I believe you should give everyone respect no matter what you think of that person. If people don’t respect you, too bad. Don’t worry about it. At the end of the day, no one’s opinion but your own and God‘s, if you believe in him, matters. If people don’t respect you and they spread rumors about you and make your life miserable, oh well. It’s not only positive situations that make you stronger. After you get through those rumors and look past them, you will be such a strong person and should feel so good about yourself. You are going to come across people in life who will look at you and automatically disrespect you. Don’t be like them and disrespect them back. Give them respect, be nice to them, and maybe you’ll change their mind. I believe disrespect gets you nowhere.
How you view respect?
To answer your question, I view respect as honoring someone's integrity. It means to be courteous, to be fair, and most of all, to be tolerant of others regardless of what the differences may be.

If each person treated at least one other person with these values, I bet everyone would be a little happier and at ease.
How you view respect?
Minor point - it's actually %26quot;give respect to get respect%26quot;.

I respect someone until they give me reason not to.
i completely agree: it helped me for the past 60 years...