Money is defined as medium that allows people to be more efficient in trading for overall benefits. In reality, it is immeasurable good and it is filled with greed. In a perfectly calculated world, each one of us would have ability to justify each cent that we use as medium. Well, we all know that it is not true. What it comes down to is that money becomes a necessity good just like most commodities. We no longer want food and water, but money and things that can be bought in exchange; I am referring to things that do not have any significance in our livelihood unless we decide to make them to be one. Demand and Supply of goods fluctuate partially due to this phenomenon that we call “money”. Economists would simply put money aside as a good tool that is needed to continue the growth. They lie to themselves about the consequences of money. It not only creates economic chaos, it also creates tension and corrosion in society. In a sense, money is the key problem of inflation; and inflation it self, is created by money. What we deny is the system that we uphold so highly. Since it is the system that has been somewhat perfected within the accumulation of history, we cannot get rid of the idea and nature of it.
Growth is the issue that I see it as a problem. Growth is desperately needed for countries to develop into a fine, self confident, sovereign state. The idea of growth is created to have an adverse effect on society. It is not just our society that has seen flourishing growth over the years. There are evidences of great civilizations for thousands of years. Yet, I believe, they all died due to the limited ‘capability’ that is placed upon them. Basically, Capitalism requires capital, yet there is only certain level of capital that we can extract. In reality, growth can only exists when there is an existence of force that can exploit the earth. As long as there is a way for us to exploit whatever we have for natural resources, we can grow. Globalization is a tool for nations to exploit more, therefore to grow more and faster. Can we truly admit the fact of this cruel truth?
Can we truly admit the fact of this cruel truth?
Wow i love this question and suprised not more peopl answered but anyways i disagree. The human race we are out their to surive therefore we compete with each other (exploit). I see money not as a tool for mass exploitation but i a tool for an evening the playing field. Money measures how hard we work and our talents in a society. Isnt more fair for a man that works all of his life to get the pretty girl rather than a guy thats just born good looking. Money is powerful because it puts a direct value of the actions that we do and that is what our world is based on, and i think its fair the harder you work the more money u earn. At least with money we have an ability to become a success when in nature it is purely based with i dunno strenght and similar %26quot;physical atrributes%26quot;
Can we truly admit the fact of this cruel truth?
You seem to go from lamenting the effects of poverty in the third world to blasting the globalization that might actually share the worlds wealth with the third world.
I can tell from reading this question that I would never in a million years dissuade you from your distaste for capitalism. And I won't insult you by trying.
But I would ask you to honestly and seriously take a hard look at your motives. Such tirades are generally a pretense for the revocation of some economic freedom or another. And it is simply a stone cold, hard fact that poverty is inversely proportional to economic freedom. Is helping the poor really what motivates you? I have had conversations of this nature and generally after several hours of conversation we come to this... attitudes such as this are not so much about helping the poor as it is about equality. And as it turns out not so much about equality as equality of condition.
But you have to know this. Its there for anyone to see. The problem is you cannot define human equality in terms of material possessions unless what you own defines your humanity. And that is rather materialistic isn't it?
You will never end poverty by limiting wealth. You might however make people poorer and make more people poor. I know this with every fibre of my being and it saddens me that so many in the world will ignore this warning.
All I am advocating is freedom. Freedom to succeed, freedom to fail. I am not opposed to helping those who need it. In fact it is my personal belief that Christ compels us to do so. But it is not a responsibility that I will pass on to the government just so that I don't have to feel guilty and not actually have to do anything.
Why do you feel the need to control the wealthy? Are you envious? Do you resent them for thier successes or for your failures?
You are obivously an intelligent person. And maybe someday you will understand that your happiness and success has far more to do with you than it does with some enigmatic, greedy rich person or corperation, or %26quot;globalization%26quot;.
Seems like you felt the need to get some things off of your chest. And I guess I felt the same way. I don't know if it helped you any, but like I said I don't expect to change your mind. Just wanted to give you something to think about. Peace be with you.