I asked this question about two days ago, but I believe that I should have added the last paragraph, since it may shed more light to my situation. I am a Roman Catholic and our Church teaches that premarital sex is a sin and therefore should not be practiced. With the high divorce rates, I think there should be exceptions to couples that are engaged to be married, or are very much in love. I think that sexual compatibility should probably be considered before entering into a marriage commitment that will hopefully last a lifetime. Also, by engaging in premarital sex, any likes, dislikes, and problems in the bed can be addressed before marriage. If anything displeasing to any of the parties should occur, then they could part ways without having to go through a messy divorce, or even an annulment. I think that going through a divorce would probably be more immoral than having premarital sex. What do you think? Btw, are you religious, or not?
I thank all of you for your time spent reading my question and I would also like to thank those who responded to my first question. I should have added that I, myself, am not well endowed and am somewhat of a quick shooter. I kind of have these two issues lingering in the back of my mind. I think it might be rather selfish on my part to have to put a future wife through these issues on the wedding night. After spending so much of her time and making plans for the future, she might regret her choice of a mate. It's kind of like telling someone %26quot;surprise,%26quot; but the surprise is not a good one. It might be like winning the lottery in the short story %26quot;The Lottery%26quot; by Shirley Jackson (in this story the winner of the yearly lottery gets stoned to death). Even though sex might not be the biggest part of the marriage, having only bad sex for potentially the end of one's life may be too much for some and can probably lead to the end of the marriage. Would my particular situation change your responses in any way? I really should have mentioned this earlier. Thanks again.
Should premarital sex be morally right (revised question)?
I'm Christian, but not hardcore and I think premarital sex shouldn't be right or wrong based on religion. When two people are much in love, as you mentioned, I believe it's fine if they have sexual intercourse as long as they're taking necessary precautions and comprehending the possible consequences. However, I also believe that some people fall in %26quot;love%26quot; too easily so there should be a certain amount of people you reserve yourself to sleeping with. The number doesn't have to match up exactly but it's pretty immoral (in my opinion) to go into a marriage and tell your husband/wife that you had over 10 lovers prior to him/her. I think that sex is a form of trust, not just lust and I really don't see how it could be that much of a sin if you don't abuse it by doing it with everyone. As a friend once told me, it's just another way to connect to someone else's soul and express your emotions.
Should premarital sex be morally right (revised question)?
I am also religious. I think you should still wait for marriage, i mean if you really love a person it doesnt matter that much. Plus you can practice with your wife and find out what she likes. The two can kind of experiment and see what both like. I mean you can always switch it up and make it enjoyable for her. But I still believe you should wait till your married
There are many, many ways to %26quot;fix%26quot; sx if you love the person. There's no excuse for premarital sx, esp. considering you're a Catholic too... Don't you know the pope's infallible in this issue? Trust in the Church please! Besides that, there are too many books on how to make it good for you to make it that simple to cop out on the Church and God like that! Look them up, if you need help with that, there's tons at the library! Please take it more seriously!!! It's obvious you trust in yourself more than God right now.