Wednesday, 21 September 2011

What do you think of this begining?

A Novel


By: Davis Hanscom Thal

Dedicated to Cheyenne who has opened up my world of improved creative writing.

And to my readers,

Excel in whatever field you foresee.


fic·tion (f?k sh?n) n. 1a. An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented. b. The act of inventing such a creation or pretense. 2. A lie. 3a. A literary work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact. b. The category of literature comprising works of this kind, including novels and short stories. 4. Law Something untrue that is intentionally represented as true by the narrator. [Middle English ficcioun, from Old French fiction, from Latin fictiō, fictiōn-, from fictus, past participle of fingere, to form.] – fic tion?al adj. – fic tion?al i?ty (-sh?-n?l ?-tē) n. –fic tion?al?y adv.

By the flair and pizzazz that this novel has in its opener I would hope that you believe that you are about to read the most epic and life changing story of your life. I'm sorry to break it to you, but this is false. Fiction is truly a wonderful thing. It gives your mind an opportunity to wander to vast corners of space and time while still aimlessly sitting there, plump in your head. As simple and fleshy as this organ looks, your mind is an all-powerful being, more powerful than you or anyone around you. It is the sky, filled with birds and air, circled by jet planes and dotted with lost balloons, once missed by their seven-year-old owners. Your brain is the sunken submarine sitting at the bottom of the deepest trench, surrounded by underwater black holes and deep-sea mermaids. Your mind is the world and your head is the universe, your body is what’s left and your thoughts and feelings are the people inhabiting this monstrous yet serene palace of a planet. With Fiction even the least intellectual human beings can be the president, the ruler of the world, or even the one unspoken, whoever that may be.

You may have heard the term Imagination before, and Fiction is its closest cousin. Others in the family include Love, Happiness, Creativity, and the adopted uncle Deception. This is a beautiful and balanced family, which can only exist in the back of one’s head. This location is brought to you by Imagination and Fiction’s powers combined. Now you may be asking, “What’s that difference between Imagination and Fiction?” and I am telling you this exactly, why right now at this very moment. Imagination is what happens in your head. Imagination is what’s bringing this, Fiction, alive. Fiction is what is written down. Fiction is what’s read and shared by generations and nations. You read earlier the exact verbatim of the definition for Fiction. That is all the difference between two very parallel and dissimilar words. And it makes all the difference to know

There is so much to be said about Fiction and Imagination, along with Creativity, Happiness, Love, and Deception, but most of the thoughts and theories are lost in translation. The translation being translating thoughts into hand movements on the keyboard or pad of paper which in turn form words that don’t quite clarify the thoughts that the words originated from. This is why trying to put all thoughts and feelings down on paper at one time is damn near impossible. Paraphrasing is the product and that is not always a good thing. Paraphrasing can lead to miscommunication, which obviously leads to misunderstandings. From that department the misunderstandings are passed around the factory and are made into arguments. Arguments are then rolled along the assembly line and separated into either frustration or ignorance. This is one industrial unit that I personally would like to keep away from.

If you have ever heard the statistic that humans drop approximately 99% of what they hear, and that only about one percent is actually soaked in and pondered on, then I want you to connect that with what I am trying to say now. If you have a theory that branches out to billions of separate ideas, of which you have either vaguely or considerably reflected upon then what is the first thing that you want to do? Remember it. How would you do that? Write it down.

Even though these reason I am about to give seem insignificant to forgetting an entire theory it is what most intellectuals go through. So picture yourself with a brilliant idea, within this brilliant idea are millions of little ideas that make up the one big idea. Now without the little ideas the big idea won’t make any sense to anyone but yourself. With that in mind you run throughout the house trying to find a pen and paper or computer. But in this time it takes to find writing utensils your mind gets diverted from the focus of your brilliant and masterful inspiration. It starts sending random thoughts through your head such as, “Where are the goddamned pencils?” or “Why is it taking so lon
What do you think of this begining?
I skipped the novel, but the title is boring as hell.
What do you think of this begining?
its a good start