Friday, 16 September 2011

There is no physical evidence ...........?

lol Imagine that we have a conversation one day and I say to you, %26quot;I believe in the gerflagenflopple. You cannot prove that the gerflagenflopple does not exist, therefore it exists.%26quot; You can see that this is ridiculous. Just because I have invented something out of thin air does not mean that its non-existence is suddenly unprovable. There has to be some evidence that the gerflagenflopple exists in order to assert its existence. Since there is not, it is quite easy to say that the gerflagenflopple is imaginary. Now let's imagine that we have a conversation one day and I say to you, %26quot;I believe in Leprechauns. You cannot prove that Leprechauns do not exist, therefore they exist.%26quot; You actually have heard of Leprechauns. There are lots of books, movies and fairy tales dealing with Leprechauns. People talk about Leprechauns all the time. Leprechauns even have a popular brand of breakfast cereal. But that does not mean that Leprechauns exist. There is no physical evidence for the existence of Leprechauns. Not a single bit. Therefore, it is obvious to any normal person that Leprechauns are imaginary. If you think about it, you will realize that there is no difference between God and Leprechauns.

unlikely to change the mind of anyone who is afraid to examine these concepts objectively.

People who approach the subject of religion with trepidation or who cannot distinguish between reality and superstition, find it difficult to apply logic to their thought processes. It is much easier to belief in miracles and pseudo-science than to acquire facts and engage in incisive, rational thought.

We can observe many members of society who appear to be intelligent and rational in the pursuit of their daily life. However, on Sundays they go to their church or temple. There they participate in incomprehensible and irrational rituals involving magic, prayer and other activities demeaning to their rational minds. Their rational mind tells them that a god does not exist and yet, there they sit and pray to him.

It has been suggested that religious people compartmentalize their thought processes in order to avoid otherwise inevitable and destructive conflicts. In this manner, rational and irrational thought processes can coexist in separate, locked compartments of the brain without connectivity. Yet, one wonders if there is some inevitable leakage from the irrational to the rational compartment, surreptitiously contaminating rationality.

Even some bright people may feel too frightened to face life without the consolations of a religion, cult or sect. Their upbringing has imbued in them the belief that it is safer not to subject the teachings of one鈥檚 church or temple or mosque to close scrutiny. Furthermore, becoming an agnostic or atheist can cut one off from the comfort and companionship of co-believers in a religion. This potentially damaging consequence of doubting one鈥檚 belief system is a strong deterrent to questioning deeply imbedded religious beliefs.

Religion may also satisfy an irrational human need for cosmic significance. Some persons yearn to be more than the grain of sand in the vastness of the universe that man really is. As long as men and women feel week and insignificant in the face of awe-inspiring natural forces, logic will not be as important as religion and man will prefer the sanctuary of imaginary, all-powerful beings.

Thus, people tend to associate in communities of like-minded people. Believers restrict their circle of friend and family to other believers. They surround themselves with mirror images of themselves.

If people wear blinders successfully, then the young and na茂ve among them hear nothing but the desired belief. No reputable person in his or her sphere of life ever disagrees with or objects to the tenets of their common belief system. As time goes on, people in a mentally incestuous society consider it normal that all seemingly intelligent people believe as the community believes.

When a believer encounters non-believers, the shock may be great. The believer asks, %26quot;How can they not believe? Doesn鈥檛 everyone believe?%26quot; The believing community usually provides a convenient answer to that question: The non-believers are evil or they are possessed by an evil power. If you hang around them enough it might be contagious.

As a result, the believer becomes paranoid and afraid of non-believers, because he fails to understand that non-believers do not need to believe in anything. Non-believers rely on reason, logic and the factual evidence of the real world.Instead, the believer sees non-believers as abnormal and undesirable. Thus, religious belief maintains itself through self-affirmation, insulation and demonization of non-believers.

It is interesting to note that the degree of involvement with the supernatural, including religion, is directly proportional to the degree of factual knowledge available to a person

Simply read Genesis and you can see i
There is no physical evidence ...........?
Ran right into that text wall with no warning!
There is no physical evidence ...........?
wall of text about creation is false? idk its to huge to care
i think if god existed it would be more evident, you shouldnt use supposed creations as proof-especially if they can be explained, the actual god should be directly observable, or it is nothing more than blind faith
A belief does not mean blind acceptance.

But if you were starving and someone told you where to find bread, wouldn't you at least look? Or would you make that person prove that there is bread?

We don't seek leprechauns, unicorns, or tooth fairies because we have no need for those. Those who desire to know their Creator will seek Him even without proof that He exists.

If you want to have real meaning, real purpose and real worth, you must seek the Creator otherwise what you will get is just something you must invent to keep your sanity. The alternative to seeking God is to merely pretend that we have lives worth living.
You seem to know a lot of things that no one else knows, and you mention details that cannot be found anywhere in scripture.

Simply read Genesis? Everybody knows? Please ... !

Your Muslim roots are showing. You have very much to learn.
ur entirely right, if unoriginal, but u miss two essential points that trouble me.

a) while this is true, nonetheless many sane people do believe in god, so, though this does not mean god exists, this does mean that we need to explain how they can do it. without that, our theory of what's going is hollow.

b) secular people seem to me hold equally irrational beliefs and with the same illogic. my favorite example is people's response (i mean secular people now) to sex with minors. there is the same blind range, illogic, self-rightousness, and above all the same willingess (even eagerness) to persecute, punish, people who do not agree with you. we find the same when it comes to drugs if someone is against them. and we find the same kind of furious illogic on both sides of the debate about gay marriage. so we need not even mention the murderous atheist ideologies like leninism to see that this is not merely something that religion inspires in people. again, like with (a), i dont know wht the answer is. i just say that these issues are far from trivial and absolutely crucial.
Why must you make fun of the Gerflagenflopple (PBUH)? : (
Here we go ... another %26quot;expert%26quot; telling us all about the validity of the Bible ! When you employ the Bible as a Science text (for which it was never intended) you tend to reveal your lack of education and your ignorance blossoms. Have you ever, considered why theology is taught in many of the Colleges and Universities in North America and the U.K. for?
Your 'gerflagenflopple' argument already exists in the form of the Great Spaghetti Monster, may you be touched by his noodly appendage, Ramen.

I, as well as many others (including Christians) do not believe the Bible is meant to be taken 100% literally. Even the Bible states that what God considers %26quot;1 day%26quot; may be 1 second, or millions of years of our time. Using that, it's easy to see that %26quot;Let there be light!%26quot; could very well be referring to the Big Bang, and as for man coming from dust...well, that's true in a way. The early universe is said to have just consisted of massive clouds of hydrogen, until early suns were formed, creating the other elements as they burned out, and then exploded. So in a real way, all life - including mankind - is the product of dust. Star dust, that is.

Do not be so eager to throw off your spirituality. The universe is easily large enough to encompass both scientific fact as well as spiritual faith. In fact, to completely dismiss one or the other is the true folly here.
...........? Summary please? I don't know what you can see in Genesis, I have 200 books in my library, I can't read an entire novel on Y!A. There is no evidence of any kind that God exists.
You don't get it.

If someone arrested you and said they were going to try you and execute you UNLESS you denied leprechauns, would you WILLINGLY be killed rather than DENY that leprechauns exist?

If there is no proof of these things, why would happily go to the hangman's noose?

Gun to your head, would YOU say that leprechauns are true? From your statement (actually, an idiotic diatribe!) it would appear that you would deny they exist because there is NO PROOF!

But this is NOT the case for God. Hundreds, thousands and in fact, MILLIONS have gone to their deaths rather than deny that God exists! Why? Because once God has revealed Himself to a person, that person can NEVER go back to living in ignorance! This is the very PROOF you are asking about.

That millions........hundreds of millions of people would rather DIE than deny the existence of God that has been shown to them. You don't get it because you are still living in selfish pride that YOU are the center of the universe.

When God reveals Himself, you can NEVER go back to where you once lived your life.

(I don't need to prove anything to you and in fact, I don't have the power to reveal God. Only He can do that!)
There is no physical evidence, but don't forget there is also no observational evidence.

Obviously, Genesis is a folk tale and interestingly enough, it shows the misunderstandings people had about vision at the time. In biblical times, people believed that light was emitted by our eyes and allowed us to see:鈥?/a>

%26quot;In the fifth century BCE, Empedocles postulated that everything was composed of four elements; fire, air, earth and water. He believed that Aphrodite made the human eye out of the four elements and that she lit the fire in the eye which shone out from the eye making sight possible.%26quot;

Under emission theory, there was no need for the sun or stars in order for God to see that 'it was good'.

Of course, Genesis is completely silly to educated people who know we need a light source is necessary to see anything. However, Christians read these verses without noticing how ridiculous they are. Also, when you point out the error, they come up with elaborate, non-Biblical reasons why the errors aren't there. This alone should tell you that these beliefs are false. When people have to scramble like that to come up with ad hoc arguments, you know they are wrong.

Hate to disillusion you but I assure you that you are very wrong. There is worlde wide evidence of the flood.The earth is between 8-10000 yrs,not millions. Modern scientists has proven 100% that evolution is false,never %26amp; can not happen. Science has now proven with space technology that 100% of evidence backs up the Genesis account of creation.In a river basin several yrs ago from a bad flood uncovered in limestone tracks of man,saber tooth tiger %26amp; dinasaurs all together where they tried to get away from the flood.Check out this science collection :CREATION: Remarkable Evidence of God's Design by Dr Grant R Jeffrey.It is astounding.
First off Fosterdad has no idead what he is talking about. Please do a little more research on science before you open your mouth please. And second, the earth is 8-10000 years old? Where did you hear that nonsense ? What mockery of a school did you go to ?

But to adress the question, wait... what is the question ?
Except your belief isn't as old as human civilization and hasn't inspired art, movements, civil rights, wars, great feats, genocide, human discovery.

As you say the Bible is a 2000 year old book, and has been altered by men over the years and other pen-holders. So why in the world would you base your argument on the Christian literal-bible interpretation? That's like arguing geography is wrong when you keep referring to the Earth as flat - rather than looking at it with new evidence but a nonjudgmental non-bias mind.
you got letters in my cereal
The Evidences of Alla/God are given even in physicality.Here for you is the Healing Saving Grace and Mercy of Him, which you can also earn it you but Truly Repent [Blogger:www.martyr-saint-djapi.blogspot鈥?Providential Repentance Youtube Video=For you help worldwide]
%26quot;It is much easier to belief in miracles and pseudo-science than to acquire facts and engage in incisive, rational thought.%26quot;

Good point. With that in mind, explain the creation of the universe; the causative factors resulting in the %26quot;big bang%26quot; where all matter came into existence in a moment out of nothing.

I await the facts and your incisive, rational explanation.

I have to say thanks for this question.

But only because of the last couple of answers before me - Pastor DAD please tell me you're a troll.No one can be that..................

..............can they? Even in America?
The difference between God and leprechauns is that God is actually real. Besides I don't remember seeing billions of people believing in the gerflagenflopple.
well you wrote a whole lot and i only read some of it... but you dont need physical evidence to believe. that is why we have FAITH. it is sad to see people down grading god and jesus christ they have worked miracels for us becuase people of this age are getting prideful and now they have to see to believe. they have given us so much and yet no one sees how marvelous there work they have done is.