Friday, 16 September 2011

HELP PLEASE! To the lighthouse - Virginia Woolf?

Always, Mrs Ramsay felt, one helped oneself out of solitude reluctantly by laying hold of some little odd and end, some sound, some sight. She listened, but it was all very still; cricket was over; the children were in their baths; there was only the sound of the sea. She stopped knitting; she held the long reddish-brown stocking dangling in her hands in a moment. She saw the light again. With some irony in her interrogation, for when one woke at all, one鈥檚 relations changed, she looked at the steady light, the pitiless, the remorseless, which was so much her, yet so little her, which had her at its beck and call (she woke in the night and saw it bent across their bed, stroking the floor), but for all that she thought, watching it with fascination, hypnotized, as if it were stroking with its silver fingers some sealed vessel in her brain whose bursting would flood her with delight, she had known happiness, exquisite happiness, intense happiness, and it silvered the rough waves a little more brightly, as daylight faded, and the blue went out of the sea and it rolled in waves of pure lemon which curved and swelled and broke upon the beach and the ecstasy burst in her eyes and waves of pure delight raced over the floor of her mind and she felt, It is enough! It is enough!

That is the extract we have been given - we're told not to read the book or find out any extra information. We just have analyse Mrs Ramsay from that extract. I have no idea what it means though. I'm guessing this %26quot;light%26quot; is the lighthouse.. ARGHH, really stuck. I'm not saying i want someone to do the work, i just need a little push please. Thank you in advance!
HELP PLEASE! To the lighthouse - Virginia Woolf?
I'm trying to write an essay on this book for an assignment as well. Here are some little notes:

sea - represents Mrs Ramsay, fluid, Mr Ramsay land, two aspects of life

knitting - life is difficult and people try to find meaning of life, she's knitting social fabric together

light - she represents light, Mr Ramsay is lighthouse, they complement each other

%26quot;it is enough, it is enough%26quot; - acceptance that life is ever changing, Woolf's attempt to capture the moment and accept it.

Hope this helps!