Wednesday, 21 September 2011

What's the biggest political issue of the last decade?

I would honestly like peoples opinions. In my opinion, the big one's on everybody's minds are the war in Iraq, terrorism, and the bad economy. (Please do not answer with hatred or name calling, because if there's one thing we can agree on is that both sides are entitled to their opinions and feel strongly about such. I'd like to keep this as intelligent as possible.)

1) As far as American death counts go though, the war in Iraq far surpasses the death count of 9/11. (2978 for 9/11 to 4168 for the war.) What bothered me the most was how obvious it was to both sides that Dick Cheney's very own company, Halliburton, now runs the oil fields in Iraq. In the past, such deception was usually brushed under the rug, but now it appears part of American culture to invade other countries for finnancial gain. They even call it %26quot;Investor's Iraq.%26quot;

2) The war may have far more deaths, but no other event has had such an impact in the minds of American people than the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Osama bin Laden, put into power by the Reagan administration in 1985 to fight the Soviet empire in Afghanistan, brutally masterminded an attack on the Twin Towers and murdered almost 3000 Americans. Another plane also flew into the empty side of the Pentagon, (the pentagon employs 89000 people daily, only 184 were killed) and regardless of their motives (let's BOTH sides not discuss that,) 9/11 happened, and there's NO WAY TO CHANGE THE PAST. The event, did, however, forever alter the way the American people feel about their safety.

3) I am extremely liberal, but even I do NOT believe that Bush is responsible for the state of the economy. American familys are now scraping paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet. Vacations and luxury goods are a thing of the past. This is an issue that affects both the right and left, and I'm sure almost everyone reading this has probably been affected too.

Your opinions? Any other issues? Please keep it civil and let both sides not resort to name calling.

What's the biggest political issue of the last decade?
Definitely the people of America. Would you call that the economy? I mean health insurance, education, housing, safety of food, availability of drugs, lack of legislation on so many things.

It's unbelievable.

I remember 15-20 years ago, we never had this inundation of products, especially pharmaceuticals, OTC...I'm surprised our own country allows this....people don't even know what this stuff is doing to them, and in the meantime our food (produce and meat) is pure garbage. We can't even FIND local anymore unless you go to a %26quot;mom and pop%26quot; shop...the big chains import stuff from countries which are killing us with this crap.

Lots of bad things going on in this world today.

Time to have government look after the people, dont you think? So you have some kids with smarts to run things in the future and not just a bunch of rednecks who think a gun and religion is all one needs to get by in this world.
What's the biggest political issue of the last decade?
Nope,,,,Bush, Iraq, the economy, national security, all take a back seat to abortion, especially for liberals.

The Iraq war has the lowest causality rate of any war in American history.

Bill Clinton used Haliburton during Bosnia and Kosovo.

Jimmy Carter started Al Queida when he allowed the Shaw of Iran to get deposed, and then the Iatola Khomeini took over and built up the Taliban and Al-Queida .
Cheney doesn't own Halliburton, and most of Congress has stock in the company. The reason they were awarded the contract was their ability to do the job, since at the time I believe their were only two companies worldwide that could do it. The biggest issue is just what ever is current. If you had asked this 10 years ago it would be Clinton's behavior, etc. And it is based on your personal viewpoint. As a liberal your views are completely different than mine. 9/11 will remain in our minds until we die, but for someone born 10 years ago it won't have anymore meaning than Pearl Harbor.
The attack on Iraq (how it was done, from fraud within, to media blackout, to manipulation of elections and laws) and what really happened with 9/11 (who did it and why), and how the two are connected.
Obama is the biggest issue of the last dacade.

But there may be no money when he gets to the White House to change anything.

George Bush really hurt America. 11 trillion dollar national debt is a game changer.