The culture wars in modern American politics are usually drawn between cultural liberals and cultural conservatives. Cultural liberals argue that all religion(s) and forms of worship (or lack thereof) should be tolerated; they are strongly opposed to censorship or any kind of oversight of spoken or written material (except, in some cases, hate speech); they believe that the structure of one's family and the nature of marriage should be left up to individual decision, and they argue that no lifestyle is inherently better than any other. American cultural conservatives usually argue that the government should support Christianity and the traditional family, and oppose pornography.
A national cultural conservatism is a strand of conservative thought that argues for the preservation of a nation's domestic culture, usually in the face of external forces for change.
There is no questions that cultural conservatism are narrow-minded, christian fundamentalist, jesus freak, my way or the high way, rigid, inflexible jerks who are no question a bunch of snobs,
Cultural Liberalism embraces all forms of religion including Christianity, Jewish and Muslim faiths. It is the type of lifestyle that accepts people for who they are and as long as someone's lifestyle is not hurting anybody elses it should be tolerated.
Cultural Liberals are the good people of society. They understand that the Christian God is a forgiving God who loves us all.
Cultural Conservatives are the jerks. They believe that if you are not a perfect person just like God you go to hell.
Cultural Liberalism should be the lifestyle of all Americans?
Wow, you are very opinionated. I happen to be a conservative Christian; however, I believe that people have the right and free will to believe what they want. I know others who agree, so perhaps your stereotype is just that--a stereotype. I think that all people should be able to get along with a degree of civility. Also, we must keep in mind, our governing officials are elected by the people, so the method is fair in my opinion. In other countries where religions such as Muslim is the dominant religion, do you think they would be tolerant of you coming into their society? From what I understand they are very intolerant of other religions. The bottom line is that religion is a major aspect of peoples lives; for many it defines the purpose of life and eternal destiny so naturally people may become very adamant about their religion. Think of it this way: people believe their religion is the most secure way to eternal happiness, so even when/if they rudely impose it upon you and you choose not to accept, it ultimately shows care and compassion on their part--if they believe they have the best, they are trying to convince you of the same so you also can experience the %26quot;best.%26quot;
Also, name calling is not nice. That is intolerant behavior, isn't that what you would like to see go away. I believe the best approach is to present our opinions in a respectful manner and people have the good pleasure of not accepting if they choose.
Also, your initial statement, %26quot;Cultural liberalism should be a lifestyle for all americans,%26quot; appears to be seemingly contradictory statement. You're basically saying, %26quot;Everyone has the right to believe and conform to what they want as long as they agree with me.%26quot; Sometimes liberals can be very intolerant.
Cultural Liberalism should be the lifestyle of all Americans?
%26quot;There is no questions that cultural conservatism are%26quot;
Please conform to my way of distinguishing singular and plural nouns. Other than that, do as ye will.
Aside from the fact that you manage to generalize (for the record, not all people that you characterize as %26quot;cultural conservatives%26quot; are even Christian or even particularly religious nor are all %26quot;cultural liberals%26quot; as tolerant as you'd like to beleive they are) but I think you manage to contradict your own viewpoint.
If you are a %26quot;cultural liberal%26quot; (as is evident from what you write) then why even ask the question %26quot;Cultural Liberalism should be the lifestyle of all Americans?%26quot; According to your own definition of %26quot;cultural liberalism%26quot; then the answer is obviously NO. According to your definition, if it is tolerant of different religious beliefs and is tolerant of different %26quot;lifestyle choices%26quot; then obviously it should be tolerant of other IDEOLOGIES?
But if the answer to your question is %26quot;YES%26quot;, then how could that possibly be achieved? By convincing everyone in America that you are right? That is never going to happen unless you FORCE people. And one wonders why you, as a %26quot;cultural liberal%26quot; would even entertain the thought in your wonderfully tolerant mind.
And another thought, if the nature of marriage should be left up to the individual then why have the state agree on a definition of marriage? In case you are going to ague that they shouldn't, but the fact is they do and are actually asked to CHANGE it according to the individual views of SOME (but not others) in society. Otherwise, a case can be made for polygamy. You might think it is bad idea (as do I) but if you were truly going to hold fast to your ideas as expressed here then you'd argue that that should also be a %26quot;lifestyle%26quot; choice that is inherently no better or worse than any others. Yet, you'd find few %26quot;cultural liberals%26quot; who'd actually risk making that argument for real.
You sound like a very silly young man who is wayyyy too caught up in media antics.