“Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage
is the triumph of hope over experience.” – Samuel Johnson
A major turning point in my life that really changed my views and thoughts about things, that will forever change who I am from now until death, would be the divorce of my parents. Something, that I thought if I heard about, figured out, or happened to me, I’d be devastated and miserable for the rest of my life. But it didn’t. I discovered that the end of one thing, was the beginning of another. Right then, it made me realize and understand that time and events truly never wait for anyone. What has happened has happened. In other words, certain things weren’t meant to be and we should carry on.
My parents’ divorce made me realize that human achievement can only be measured in human failure. Human gain can only be measured in human loss. Sometimes change is good and the end is never the end; nothing lasts forever. Anything that could be done is done with a cost or a consequence and this cost is either for a benefit or harm and has an effect on all around it.
This event also changed my views on religion and god. It made me realize and believe that we seal our own fates and control our own destiny. That there’s no force out there that makes things happen or change, that to me is a lie, told to keep sanity in an insane world; explain the inexplicable, since as human beings, we fear the unknown and there must be an answer to it, they must make up an answer. And this “answer” to them is god.
To me, when someone experiences a life changing hardship they deal with it in the wrong way. For example: getting involved with drugs, gangs, etc. But I’ve found a way to cope; to relieve my stress, in a way that doesn’t harm me. This stress reliever, to me is writing, poetry etc. I can relate to the great philosopher, Gao Xingjian’s quote, who said “writing eases [one’s] suffering…writing is [a] way of reaffirming [one’s] own existence”. To me, writing is the greatest “therapist” of them all. When you “talk”, it “listens” to anything you have to say. It helps take some of the load on your mind, off your mind. If you have something you want to get out or problems to work out then “write it out”. Words speak just as loud as or even louder than actions.
This event made me realize, we should treasure the things that really matter in life, because we take things for granted others don’t even know exist like a good education, parents, love, friends and technology.
aiight thanks for the help!!!
I need a conclusion sentence for my turning point essay?
well...didja end up with a conclusion for your essay ?