believe it to be true? Could it change your mind?
There is a good book called %26quot;What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality%26quot; that I highly recommend. It goes over all the Bible passages that refer to homosexuals, and the author, who%26#039;s a Christian and a pastor, looks at the text in the ORIGINAL langauge it was written (mind you there have been countless translations over the centuries, and people have written in their own biases if you study this kind of thing). the text in the original language, as well as delving into the historical context, definitely is thought provoking. and i think that every Christian/believer who claims to believe the Bible is God%26#039;s Word, really should devote the time and energy to really STUDYING it, not taking it simply, literally, and for what it means on the surface.
And for those that believe that the Bible is 100% true and correct, I would contend that there are parts that you disregard because times have changed. Certain sexual practices that were ok then, like if a woman%26#039;s husband dies, she is supposed to have sex and reproduce with his brother, there is a strict ban on wearing clothes that are of mixed material (polyester/cotton), etc. Stoning people for adultery is another one. Sleeping with one%26#039;s wife while she is on her period was a serious sin, another example.
What are your thoughts?
check out: -- read the writings of Pastor Mel White
Christians - if you read a book by a pastor that thoroughly used the Bible to support homosexuality would you ?
No. Religious nuts hate homosexuals.
The ones that try and use the Bible to support their intolerance fail to realize that the bible was meant for interpretation. So, when they claim that the Bible%26#039;s god hates homosexuals, they are merely revealing their own intolerance towards them.
So if the bible was worded differently, I doubt their views would change.
Christians - if you read a book by a pastor that thoroughly used the Bible to support homosexuality would you ?
I think he must be reading a different Bible then me. Homosexual acts are condemned in the New Testament in Romans 1:27. So it%26#039;s not just an outdated OT law.
Hm-mm, good questions.
No, I don%26#039;t support that. because God doesn%26#039;t support that if we women were meant to date each other then what would be the point of God creating man in his image like Adam.
i%26#039;ve never heard of any of that, especially the odd sexual practices you mentioned, but i am now very intrigued.
thanks for sharing!
I%26#039;ve read the Bible - translated from the original Hebrew and yep, it still says that God finds homosexuality to be an abomination. Your pastor has you deceived, sad to say.
As for stoning people, there was a law (still is in Israel) that there had to be 3 witnesses - without them, no stoning. Stoning was extremely rare because of that law.
And sorry, but the word %26quot;polyester%26quot; doesn%26#039;t appear in the Bible. Try again.
No, the bible clearly states homosexuality is a sin.
Rom 1:18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves.[fn6]
Rom 1:19 For the truth about God is known to them instinctively.[fn7] God has put this knowledge in their hearts.
Rom 1:20 From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.
Rom 1:21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn%26#039;t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused.
Rom 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they became utter fools instead.
Rom 1:23 And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people, or birds and animals and snakes.
Rom 1:24 So God let them go ahead and do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other%26#039;s bodies.
Rom 1:25 Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen.
Rom 1:26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other.
Rom 1:27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved.
Rom 1:28 When they refused to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things that should never be done.
Rom 1:29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, fighting, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip.
Rom 1:30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They are forever inventing new ways of sinning and are disobedient to their parents.
Rom 1:31 They refuse to understand, break their promises, and are heartless and unforgiving.
Rom 1:32 They are fully aware of God%26#039;s death penalty for those who do these things, yet they go right ahead and do them anyway. And, worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.
Lev 20:13 %26quot;The penalty for homosexual acts is death to both parties. They have committed a detestable act and are guilty of a capital offense.
Lev 18:22 %26quot;Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin.
Jesus came and freed us from the legalistic weights of the Old Testament. He also gave the Holy Spirit so we have a constant guide with us to tell us if we need to observe some part of the Old Testament in our lives, for example.
well I am catholic and I believe the roman church is the only one... but the authority of the pope or any bishop is not the right one.. I believe in the council of nicea and I am gay and I believe the verses about homosexuality are not totally clear.. but the last message that I read from the Church was this.. Parents who have sons or daugthers who are gay. please love them.. because they are God gift.. that%26#039;s all the catholic church accepts the idea of being gay but call them to stay single and not acting.. well I disagree with that.. but as you said.. and for other christians.. we live in the new testament grace.. the leviticus verse is not clear and it%26#039;s not part of the church.. because we are the new people of God...
it wouldn%26#039;t change my mind because the Scriptures in no way support homosexuality but just the opposite... and Jesus had said one of the reasons Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed is because they had gone after %26quot;strange flesh%26quot; or in other words sexual activities like bestiality, incest, and homosexuality.
Why don%26#039;t you just sit and think for a minute about what really matters and decide for yourself.
I%26#039;m an atheist and I%26#039;m not murdering or raping...hmmm, it must not be God because I%26#039;ve denied his/her love.
The bible says we should stone disobedient children, but we don%26#039;t. Why not? Its God%26#039;s word. Who are we to question him? If we pick and choose what matters from the bible, does not that show that we have a sense of morality internally?
All I want is for you to think. Please.
I%26#039;m all for deeper study and I would check it out. I%26#039;ve heard such arguments before, though.
Yah, it always surprise me how people tend to cherry pick the Bible. Lying, cheating, stealing and what not is looked down upon. However, when a Christian does this - people claim, %26quot;We are all fallen children and that is why we need God. Everyone is a sinner%26quot; Which I guess is fair - no one is perfect. However, this attitude that people can fall short is not mentioned with sexuality is brought into the picture.
Also, it%26#039;s strange that people will still quote the laws of Leviticus but then claim the laws are old and replaced. Under Leviticus law, we would be required to stone children, forbidden to eat shell fish, and forbidden to wear mixed materials. This is ridiculous for today%26#039;s age. But why does the law against homosexuality still hold true?
As for Roman I, I cannot stand Peter%26#039;s writing. To suggest that turning away from God leads to Homosexuality is awkward as young Christian children will show signs of their sexuality. As for the later claim that homosexuality leads to murderers, I find that far from realistic. Actually, I%26#039;m sure statistics would prove that is not true. I really think Romans is written with bias and ignorance.
How would any book change my sexuality?
It is the way that I was born.
If you think that is is possible to become a homosexual, you have a major problem with understanding the human psyche.
We are wired one way or the other.
Nothing can change me to want sex with men.
Women are soft, warm, and wonderful.
I hope that doesn%26#039;t offend you.
you can right a book stating ones own point of view all day doesn%26#039;t make it right. There are cases where people read the Bible and put their own meaning to the verse and interpretation instead of what the author was trying to present, and that book is a huge example of bad hermeneutic skills in that respect. Sorry. But this author read into the Bible his own interpretation and mean rather than what the author intended it to mean, and as a result has a book to support his thoughts views and his lifestyle.
I%26#039;d rather read something by Jerry Falwell.
Homosexuality is a sin.
The author of that book is a heretic.
I just wanted to start by saying that it is disgusting and I still consider it a sin to have sex while on your period. I have no problem with homosexuality and I don%26#039;t think that homosexuals go to hell. I would love to read the bible in it%26#039;s original language and I%26#039;m sure the book is amazing, thanks for telling us about it. I%26#039;ve said this here on YA a few times but I%26#039;ll keep saying it until people (especially my fellow Christians) understand it, it is not our place to judge anyone but it is God%26#039;s place. Leave that to Him on judgement day. I understand the desire to turn people to God, I have it too, but judging people is not the way to save them. Thanks for caring and God bless you.
No, because a determined person can twist the scriptures to say any sort of stuff. When I have a question about what the Bible says, I just ask the Source. One ought not, as a Christian, to worship men, but the Lord.
While there%26#039;s lots of societal things in the Old Testament that probably are out-dated, they are mostly not applicable to today%26#039;s society. And you left out a few real goodies, by the way.
It doesn%26#039;t matter whatever sin full actions you rationalize it to be.
Pastor Mel White could have tried to justify His findings.
Anyone can take scripture out of context to support any idology they want. That doesn%26#039;t make it doctrine! The Doctrines of the christian faith were formulated by the early church of Christ %26amp; anyone who has thoroughly studied the word of God while being guided by elder christians of the faith knows that creating false doctrines are easy until they go under the magnifying glass of proper interpertation, as tought by those who came before us. Any alteration of the formerly accepted doctrines is heresy %26amp; false christianity. Infact, believers in false doctrine are sadly mislead %26amp; not practicing their faith correctly! Scripture clearly states that marriage was instituted to only exist between a man %26amp; a woman %26amp; that any form of sexual relations outside of this holy bond is sin. Including homosexuality!
%26quot;Man should not lay with man as with women for it is an abomination to God%26quot; - God (old testament) God doesn%26#039;t despise wicked people he hates the wicked things people do. Almost all people , with a few exceptions, have a need for sex that is uncontrollable. God made us that way. It%26#039;s supposed to feel good. God loves us . God does not want us to put sex or sensuality above spiritual love. God made a man and woman to desire each other naturally. This is good. Find a good man or a good woman and complete each others need. Homosexuals reject what is natural to them and seek sexual satisfaction in the same sex. This is bad. It%26#039;s unnatural ( You can see the same sex doesn%26#039;t fit together face to face naturally) For homosexuals it is about pleasure or sensuality. That is why it is bad. Your pastor is one of those people God talks about leading his people astray into sin. His punishment in Hell will be worse according to God%26#039;s own words. Your conscience was given to you by God. Don%26#039;t think with another man%26#039;s words. God tells you it is wrong and you know it. Reject it if you want to but do not deceive yourself or anyone else to say it is good in God%26#039;s eyes. Satan often uses God%26#039;s words to confuse and entrap people into sinning. Remember Satan trying to convince Jesus to sin in the desert. Homosexuals will not enter heaven because it is an unrepentant sin they accept. They can say God accepts it all day long. When they die they will be going to hell anyway because God told them not to and they rejected his advice.
It is accepted that God spoke to the people so they wrote was was told, heard or seen by them. And edited. And changed. And translated from original language. And was written in an era that had few Christians. So let%26#039;s be fruitful and multiply the Christian population.
It is ridiculous to think that homosexual people as well as brown people, or mentally retarded people or yellow people or short people or tall people were not created to be exactly who they are by genetics or environment or choice just as they are supposed to be.
And if it is not your choice to be who you are, then do what you can to change it. If it is unchangable, then accept it and move on!
Why didn%26#039;t you put the part in your writing about Mel White being a homosexual. He may be a pastor but he is not a Christian. The man was married to a woman, 2 children out of that union and then he tells her he was always attracted to men. He has been with Gary Nixon since 1984. Of course he is going to use the bible to support his sinful lifestyle and claim to be a Christian. Apparently you must be homosexual too if you claim his book is good and he knows and studies the bible in the original language. The man is void of the Holy Spirit, meaning he is lost, deceived and spiritually blind and spiritually dead. He is and speaks like a true child of the devil. A true Christian does not willfully support what God says is sin.
Your preacher is cleverly manipulating the scriptures to his own sinful ends.
Quit kidding yourself.
Homosexuality is actually much more sinful than most people even suspect ... all queer logic aside.