The elderly African-American woman leisurely dragged her tired feet to work, resisting the uninviting bleak, frigid weather that she had been facing for the past few months. In the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of a passing bus, which happened to be completely empty. “Yes”, she thought nodding her head approvingly. Just as Dr. King had auspiciously stated, “If we could get 60% cooperation, the protest would be a success.” This was our fight for what was right, and that was equal rights. Its time for the people of Montgomery to be aware of the fact that any injustice regarding race or color would no longer be tolerated in the South. Like this woman, there were thousands of boycotters who showed just how strong and indomitable the citizens of Montgomery were and how far they would go to obtain their civil rights. “However even violence couldn’t stop black people from fighting to be treated fairly. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was actually the first step that black people took towards a year-long protest. The boycott also brought up the question about if “separate but equal” was really fair, drawing more attention to the segregation going on in the 1950’s. In addition, the boycott demonstrated how Martin Luther King Jr. and others had a successful protest by choosing non-violence over violence. The Montgomery Bus Boycott played an important role in Black history, as it was the beginning of the final protest phase of the Civil Rights Movement, and also a long fight for justice and fair treatment towards all black people.
Although black people had been freed from slavery almost 100 years back, in truth blacks were still not free, in a way. Prejudice, segregation, and discrimination prevented black people from having the freedom and equality they deserved, as well as justice and prosperity for all black citizens. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a long strenuous boycott, approximately 381 days, which consisted of patience and severe commitment. However, the only thing black citizens were tired of “was tired of giving in.” It took much potency and hope for blacks to be able to carry on with their lives during those days, walking those long miles on foot. “When one’s mind is made-up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done, does away with fear.” Despite their fear and apprehension, the citizens of Montgomery managed to make the Montgomery Bus Boycott a lasting impact on Black history. The Montgomery Bus Boycott played an important role in Black history, as it was the beginning of the final protests phase of the Civil Rights Movement, and also a long fight for justice and fair treatment towards all black people. Without their immensive efforts and manifestations showing how non-violence would always surmount over violence the boycott would not have been able to influence the other events that came afterwards. If it were not for these citizens, segregation could still have be in question. All the hard-work, determination, and courageous acts of many people put together made the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which will be remembered forever as a life-changing event for all black people.|||This is very well written. If someone handed this to me to grade I%26#039;d mark it at an A*. wHICH IS THE BEST GRADE AT gcse/a level grade in the UK.
BTW I wasn%26#039;t having a go at you personally, just that spelling mistake, The reason I don%26#039;t have any B/A%26#039;s is due to the fact this account was just created today. XX