Sunday, 5 June 2011

May I try to help you see the inability for a "missing link" to change the truth of the creation account?

Man became man when God blew into his nostrils thus giving him Gods Spirit (Breath). That is how we are made in his likeness. How we go to that point is a great deal less important than the fact that we now have at this moment in history something that separates us completely from the rest of all creation. We have God%26#039;s spirit. If it was literal clay that he formed with his hands or fashioned in some other way does it change who we are? For that matter does God have hands that are in some way like ours, I think not. We need God to have human attributes not God. All life came from the earth, dust, clay. There is not a single evolutionist that would claim that life started elsewhere.

However, man is not like the rest of life on this earth. Yes we are just as biological as all life but, that where it ends. Our experience of what it is like to conscious is unparalleled and our concept of both time and space a so very far apart from even that closest biological relative the Chimpanzee. We share close to 96% of genes and DNA with the Chimpanzee. Can you list any higher level consciousness concepts that we share in common with them? We are unique and uniquely positioned in our Galaxy, Solar System, and Universe, to be able to observe, contemplate, and enjoy all that this universe, galaxy, and solar system have to offer.

Even now the very mind that you use to ask this question and the very nature of it shows how very unique you are. We have just begun to learn how our mind\brain works. I do not mean how on a quantum level the electro-chemical transmission of potential is passed from one Neuron down the Axon to a Synapse across the Synaptic Gap into a receiving Dendrite of another Neuron. We have observed that, the question is why it would produce Love, Art, a concept of itself or time. All things considered, based on the known facts, it is impossible to rule out God.

When you have stood by grace alone in the all encompassing beautiful glow of Christ%26#039;s radiant love and herd with your own ears his note that provides answers to all questions in a moment of peace that words cannot explain you know that it, He, is the only answer for all suffering mankind. I seek not to control any one鈥檚 mind only to help, and hope that all might know the Christ now.|||If anyone has the courage to face the esoteric writings, he will discover that man does not come from nature. He is a product of different creation. Through the fall man fell from a higher order of existence into nature. And it is Christ that restores all things to His image.

Truth is stranger than fiction. Who could have thought of a greater plan than God?|||%26quot;Man became man when God blew into his nostrils thus giving him Gods Spirit (Breath).%26quot;

Are you kidding me???

.|||well... that totally explains it. i guess i%26#039;m a creationist now. mother will be so disappointed.|||If it was literal clay, what does that make Gumby?|||no. i have faith in Zeus and you can%26#039;t change that.


%26quot;How we go to that point is a great deal less important%26quot; I think it is and if you do believe that somehow the Christian god is responsible for evolution i would disagree.

Evolution by random mutation and natural selection is a brutal, wasteful mechanism that produces many defected and diseased life forms before it gets one that can actually survive, its a mechanism that does not care about the life it produces, it plops us here the same way it did AIDS or gorillas or mice. [not how you would imagine an infinitely intelligent and powerful being would would go about making things, not to mention all loving and just one]

Also if the changes that make up evolution initially appear by random chance, not directed by any purpose, then God has nothing to do with evolution, period.

If the changes appear randomly, then by definition there is no purpose guiding them.

What defines randomness is not that any given event (or genetic mutation) cannot be predicted by an observer; what defines randomness is that the entire process has no direction. If there is overall direction, then the process is not random.

The entire universe was not made for us and its existence does not center around us, that is just an incredibly selfish view in my opinion, the whole concept of an eternal soul and an all loving god constantly looking out for me and reading my thoughts and all is just human selfish nature i think.

but if you can prove all the skeptics wrong then i will believe you. i don%26#039;t now because i don%26#039;t find it is consistent with reality.|||Yeah, you won%26#039;t get the atheists to buy into this, even though it%26#039;s obviously the truth. They%26#039;re too busy waiting for science to never figure it out. It%26#039;s kind of funny actually. They think humans just magically developed our conscious minds and our ability to conceptualize.

It%26#039;s like humans were walking along and tripped, %26quot;Oops, well there%26#039;s our consciousness!%26quot; Ridiculous.|||humans from clay and ribs, talking snakes, magic fruits, curses....this makes more sense to you than a species ability to adapt and advance in its environment? if it is impossible to rule out god, then why must god be taught to a child who has no understanding or recollection of god from the womb?|||Remember, %26quot;god%26quot; is nothing more than a nonsense word created by man to explain away all of the things we can%26#039;t yet understand.

Religion is a disease of the mind, born of fear, which has done nothing but bring untold misery down upon the human race.|||%26quot;All things considered, based on the known facts, it is impossible to rule out God.%26quot;

It is completely possible and plausible to rule out god. There is no proof of god accept what believers say they feel. Feelings are not something that you can sit on a table and measure, there for it is not something that can be scientifically and irrefutable proven. It is through faith alone that you believe in your god, and faith is nothing that can be proven while you are alive here on Earth.

I applaud you for having faith in something, but do not confuse your feelings of truth for what constitutes as proof.|||Now can you explain it in a way that seems totally logical and that doesn%26#039;t make God look like a bored kid that makes castles in a sandbox, then puts ants in them, and then makes colorful drawings around them to keep them happy and distracted?|||No such thing as a Missing Link.

As for humans other than our species, and human-like hominids that were our predecessors and cousins, the archeological evidence is enormous, overlapping and proof of our ancestry.|||%26quot;All life came from the earth, dust, clay%26quot;There is not a single evolutionist that would claim that life started elsewhere duh!.That%26#039;s funny clayman! We are 70% water you dumb ***.You lost me at God blew,we became man and fact.You should have said i think God blew into clay and gave something nostrils and i know this because i have read the bible which is the most fact based book every written.But i sure wish i had a few more people believing what i believe because stupidity sure is lonely even with all this radiant love.