I for one do not. No where in the bible is a person taught to hate. I bring this up because of the election where people are bluntly coming out and saying that they are not voting for Obama because he is BLACK! Like their race is so much better, no one%26#039;s race is better than anyone%26#039;s and it seems to predominately be the Caucasian race who over the course of the history of the world have been the worst hateful race known to man full of lies, cheating, stealing, claiming things that aren%26#039;t theirs like they own the damn world! They don%26#039;t own anything! This is no one%26#039;s world but the LORD%26#039;s and just like he brought you in this world he can take you out. I believe everyone has a right to their opinion and I don%26#039;t look down on people who vote for McCain just as I don%26#039;t expect them to look down on who I vote for, treat others the way you want to be treated. I%26#039;m an unbiased person always and even though I%26#039;m a democrat an i know who I%26#039;m voting for, every speech, every debate that those two men have I go in unbiased, because maybe just maybe the other can make me change mind OR the one that I%26#039;m for will continue to solidify my decison. There are times when I feel that on a certain debate question McCain may answer it better than Obama and there are times when I think Obama may have answered a question better thant McCain. That%26#039;s what being unbiased is about. When it comes to election day whether you know now or then that%26#039;s when you make your final THEN biased decision. SO why can%26#039;t people in this world, this country, get this? You can%26#039;t get mad at people for voicing what policies in a candidate they like better than the other and that%26#039;s why they aren%26#039;t voting for an opponent but you CAN look down on someone for being racist. That%26#039;s the one time a person SHOULD be allowed to judge a person. People like that are trash to me, they don%26#039;t deserve any rights or privileges in this world, they shouldn%26#039;t be allowed to reproduce and if they have children social services should be allowed to take them because they are living in an unstable home. And they are certainly NOT religious and I will dispute that to their face in a heart beat! It%26#039;s just sickening how this world is. Maybe we just need another 40days 40 nights scenario because clearly the idiots of the world that are this way didn%26#039;t learn from the last time and I speak for all people in every race and of every color but for some reason people%26#039;s true colors are coming out in this race. If there are Caucasian people reading this that aren%26#039;t racist, that is wonderful but how does it make you feel when people of your race are, I would be so embarrassed just as I am of certain people in my race who expect Barack to %26quot;ACT BLACK%26quot; whatever the hell that means, clearly they are not educated.
People use the term %26quot;WAKE UP!%26quot; so loosely on this site in particular for who to vote for but they need to be saying %26quot;WAKE UP!%26quot; to all the animals, not people who believe racism is an accepted because it%26#039;s not, it never has been and it never will be, and when they finally realize that it%26#039;s going to be too late for them.|||I don%26#039;t vote period. But in any case, ethnicity is no excuse to say %26quot;I%26#039;m not voting for him%26quot; regardless. Somehow though, many people feel Bush was a good president, to these people I call nimrods. Honestly, Chris Rock said it the best %26quot;America is ready for a black president, hell we just had a retarded one%26quot;! As far as the whole %26quot;act black%26quot; thing goes, he can act as stereotypically black as he wants on his free time, but in that oval office, as long as he behaves as a president should, such as doing his job, I got no problem with a black man being president.|||AMEN !|||Yes! Religion is a type of singular way of thinking. The same as racism. Both are equally bad.|||It%26#039;s a shame that instead of condemning racism, Jesus chose to condone slavery.
Does your religion teach racism is wrong?
For centuries, biblical verses were used to %26quot;prove%26quot; slavery is the will of god, just like now they%26#039;re used to %26quot;prove%26quot; homophobia is the will of god.|||True Christians are not Rasist. They love everyone. Please understand that ustrue believers are dwindiling fast. dont fall for the trap.